Thermal Performance | Lockwood Homes

Thermal Performance

Simple and elegant Lockwood Bedroom

Lockwood’s solid timber building system offers advantages in thermal comfort and control, indoor air quality, heating and cooling efficiency. Our exterior walls are comprised of a tight sandwich of solid timber and insulation which exceeds requirements under the current building code. Timber itself is a natural insulator and minimal connections between internal and external elements delivers even better heat retention, especially when compared to conventional building systems.

A well-insulated home will provide comfort all year round, and cost less to heat and cool. Insulation also helps to reduce noise levels and condensation. In addition to being more comfortable to live in, a well-insulated home requires less energy to heat, has less mould and mildew, and is less likely to attract dust mites, which aggravate allergies.

An insulation’s R-value indicates how effective it is. Heat constantly seeks to move from a warmer to a cooler location. Insulation reduces this heat flow, and the R-value measures its resistance to heat flow. Heat transmission is slowed down more by insulating products with greater R-values. Heat will also take the path of least resistance. In conventionally framed homes the heat will move through the timber framing, rather than the insulation installed in the cavities between.

New construction and modifications to existing dwellings are required by the Building Code to include insulation that meets or exceeds minimal standards. The Building Code also specifies insulation measures to reduce interior condensation. Utilising thermal breaks is part of this, especially when using steel framing and in aluminium joinery.

New Zealand homes need to have enough insulation for their location to be considered fit for purpose. Currently, the New Zealand Building Code requires exterior walls to have an R-Value of R2.0. The R-Value of a Lockwood wall is consistently R2.1. Unlike a conventionally framed home, there are no gaps due to plumbing or poorly installed insulation where heat can escape.

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