Design and Build Process | Lockwood Homes

Design and Build Process

Designing and building a home is a complex process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. Whether you’re building your dream home from scratch or modifying an existing concept plan, there are steps you’ll need to follow to ensure that your project is successful. Working with a trusted team like Lockwood can take much of the stress out of your project and ensure you have expert guidance throughout your build.

Beautiful Lockwood Home with views

Stage 1 – Set Your Investment and Determine Your Needs

The first step in designing and building a home is to set your level of investment and determine your needs. This will help you establish the scope of your project and determine what features and amenities will fit within your intended investment. You’ll need to consider factors such as the size of your section, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you require, and any other special features or design elements you want to incorporate.

Stage 2 – Concept Design (timeframe: 4 -16 weeks)

Once you understand your needs and priorities and have an idea of the investment you want to make, you’ll need to engage a designer to produce concept plans. You can work with Lockwood’s in-house design team or your chosen architect or architectural designer to produce a set of drawings that show the basic floorplan and elevations for your new home.  The price for this is normally calculated on a square metre rate which will vary depending on the complexity of your project.

Stage 3 – Cost estimates

After you approve the concept plan, we’ll provide a cost estimate for your project. We aim to offer an estimate that’s as accurate as possible and closely aligns with your final contract price. To do this, we’ll need detailed information about your site and specific fit-out requirements. Since not all information will be available at this stage, the estimate will include Provisional Costs (PC sums) for items not yet specified or quoted

Stage 4 – Develop Your Design and Consent Plans (Timeframe: 8 – 16 weeks)

Your design team will work with you to develop detailed plans for your home, including architectural drawings, construction details, and engineering specifications. This process will involve a lot of collaboration and communication between you and your design team, who will work with various external contractors, such as a Geotechnical Engineer and a Surveyor. Depending on your plans and location, you may also need the services of Structural and Civil Engineers to plan and prepare the necessary documentation for approval. The costs for this are variable, depending on the services you’ll need.

Stage 5 – Obtain Necessary Permits and Approvals (Timeframe: 8 – 16 weeks)

Once the detailed construction plans are complete, they will be submitted to your local Building Consent Authority (BCA), usually your local Council, for approval. This process may take some time, as your BCA may come back with questions on your proposed project. The consent process can be much quicker when you work with Lockwood, as our building system is certified under CodeMark and has already been deemed to comply with the building code.

Stage 6 – Choose your fit-out (Timeframe: 2 – 6 weeks)

This is the time you should finalise your interior fit-out specifications. You’ll work with recommended local suppliers or an interior designer to specify the interior options, such as the kitchen and bathroom, flooring finishes, and lighting. Although some choices can be made later in the process, you will get a much more accurate cost for your project if you take the time now to make as many decisions as possible.

Stage 7 – Your Building Contract (Timeframe: 1- 2  weeks)

The next step is to sign a building contract to build your home. The contract may include some Provisional Costs or PC sums. PC sums are items that have not yet been specified or cannot be accurately costed at that time. At Lockwood, we endeavour to cost your project as accurately as possible to minimise the chance of additional costs during your home’s construction.

Stage 8 – Ordering your Lockwood Home (Manufacturing 6 – 10 weeks)

Once you’ve signed your contract and paid a deposit, we place your Lockwood component order with our Rotorua manufacturing team, where our dedicated craftspeople begin the unique Lockwood manufacturing process. You’ll also be invited to visit our facilities to witness your home being produced by our skilled team.

Stage 9 – Prepare Your Site and Begin Construction – (while manufacturing takes place)

Once you have all the necessary permits and approvals, work can begin on your site to prepare for construction. This may involve clearing the land, grading the site, and installing water, sewer, and electricity utilities. Unless you have chosen to complete the work yourself, your Lockwood Contractor or chosen builder will engage and manage the required services for this part of the process. Work to complete the foundations and subfloor of your home will begin, following the plans and specifications developed by the design team of your choice.

Stage 10 – Construction – ( 3- 12 months)
This is where you see your new home take shape! A typical new residential project of a reasonable size will take between 4 to 9 months from beginning to completion. The Lockwood building system is pre-manufactured so can be built faster than conventional homes. With the Lockwood system, you also minimise any chance of material supply delays as you are not relying on different suppliers for interior lining, cladding and insulation.

Stage 11 – Complete Final Inspections and Move In

Once construction is complete, your home will undergo a final inspection to ensure it meets all applicable building codes and safety standards. Once you receive this sign-off, you can move in and begin enjoying your new home.

Designing and building a home is a complex and challenging process, but with careful planning and the right team in place, it can also be a rewarding and satisfying experience. By following these steps and working closely with a trusted team like Lockwood, you can create a home that meets your needs, reflects your style, and provides a comfortable and welcoming space for you and your family.

Lockwood home with schist stone wall in dining and living area

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